Monday, December 30, 2019

The Global Financial Crisis ( Gfc ) - 1087 Words

The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) began in July 2007 in the United States (US) following the decline in the countries already poor credit ratings and the subsequent collapse of the US housing market and prominent investment bank Lehman Brothers which sent a wave of fear around global economies including Australia and resulted in the largest drop in global economic activity in the modern era. (W. McKibbin, A.Stoeckel, 2009, pg 1). During the years before the crisis there was a significant increase in irresponsible mortgage lending in America. The US housing market was in melt down but the Australian had moved into a consolidation period. In the US sub-prime borrowers with poor credit ratings and the inability to repay were funded mortgage†¦show more content†¦The US government took control of the world’s largest insurance company AIG. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were victims of the sub-prime mortgage disaster and were saved by the government. When the crisis hit Australia, we had robust foundations those being budget surpluses, debt fee and favourable terms of trade, but little did we know these strengths would be tested very shortly. Unlike the US financial system Australia prior to the GFC had implemented policies that prevented high risk individuals from obtaining a loan and hence financial institutions did not require ‘capital injections’ from the government (Reserve Bank Austr alia, 2010). Australia was reasonably successful although not immune in navigating through the worst of this financial crisis because our systems in place work effectively due to the APRA prudential standards and regulatory requirements in the financial sector. Although Australia fared the GFC better than most nations it was still impacted by it as a result of the interconnected nature of the country’s financial systems and import/export dependences. One of the biggest impacts on Australia as a result of the GFC was the rise in the level of unemployment which peaked at 13.6%. This was reflected in the 17-19 year olds searching for full-time employment, but could

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Cultural Diversity Within The Classroom - 1288 Words

Cultural Diversity in the Classroom-What Every Teacher Needs to Know Most teachers in the United States are Caucasian English speakers who do not have much experience teaching students from other areas of the world. The cultural differences that this creates can often put teachers at odds with their students. Sometimes the cultural beliefs of the teachers may even clash with those of the students which can end up preventing the student from having a positive or successful learning experience. These diverse student’s cultural values, beliefs, and norms can be very different from those of mainstream American education and classroom etiquette and the closer the connection is between the teachers instructional style, the curriculum, and the student’s learning style, the better chance there will be that the student will achieve success in the classroom (Manning Baruth, 2009). Teaching and learning styles can reflect cultural backgrounds and students who have teachers from t he same culture have very few problems in understanding the information given by the teacher. They are most likely very familiar with the types of interactions that are expected in the classroom and what the outcomes of those interactions will be. Some students are used to a community or group style of learning, while others focus on independence and a certain amount of competition between students. If these children have the proper instruction by their teacher they will be able to learn and function inShow MoreRelatedMulticultural Education Is A Method For Instruction That Values Diversity Within The Classroom1227 Words   |  5 PagesStates diversity will become progressively more reflected in our schools. In our school, students are becoming increasingly diverse, by assisting pupils to attaining knowledge, attitudes they need in order to become active citizens within our society. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Free Essays

In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, one of the main characters that is presented to the readers is Bernard Marx. What this character’s name brings to the mind of the reader, and surely the intention too of the author, is the historical figure Karl Marx who wrote the book Communist Manifesto. In the book, Bernard Marx is described as a hypnotic specialist at the Hatchery and Conditioning Centre in the modern world. We will write a custom essay sample on Brave New World by Aldous Huxley or any similar topic only for you Order Now He belongs to the Alpha caste though his physical features do not fit him to be in this caste. Those who are Alphas are known to be tall but Bernard is rather short. Furthermore, he acts as an outcast amongst his social group. As Alphas are expected to be sporty in their manner and orientation, he does not participate in this leisure activity. This is the reason why he is seen as odd by the people around him (Huxley 38). As the novel progresses, the reader sees Bernard Marx as a loner and unhappy. The social group that he moves around with sees him as a rebel and a non-conformist. He questions the system of the World State and wants to fight for his individuality. In some ways, he is seen as someone who always wants to go against the system. He can be termed as a protestor to put it in another way. But this thing changes when one time he goes to the Reservation (Huxley 45) where he meets John who is considered a savage by the World State. When he brings the latter to London, he instantly gains a popularity he never experienced before. He becomes outgoing and happy to participate in the activities in the World State. This participative attitude of Bernard Marx in the new society will only changed when John refuses to be part of his agenda. The reader sees again that Marx returns to his old, protestor way. The World Controller sees that he has not changed and in the end he is thrown out of the World State to be deported to Iceland (Huxley 98). What can we see then in the character of Bernard Marx? We can conclude then that the protest attitude of him is not borne out of intellectual or of moral form in origin. The best term that we can see to it is that his act of his being a non-conformist among his social group originates from a personal and social one. I make this conclusion to the nature of his character since his being alone surely must have stemmed from his being short as an Alpha. As mentioned above, Alphas are designed to be tall but Marx is not. His manifestation of being a protestor comes from his anger of being not accepted fully by his peers, of being different from them. So in effect he sees no point of participating in all the activities that are expected of his caste. When an opportunity is presented to him that he can be accepted and even become popular, his attitude towards the World State suddenly changed. â€Å"Success went fizzily to Bernard’s head, and in the process completely reconciled him †¦ to a world which, up till then, he had found very unsatisfactoryâ€Å" (Huxley 66). This opportunity is when he brings John to London and quickly gains popularity (Huxley 66). Still, Marx goes back to his old ways when the chance to become popular slips to his hands upon John’s rejections of his agenda. In the end, he is deported to Iceland against his protests. The moral of the character of Marx then is that he is a hypocrite in his being a non-conformists and critic of the ways of the World State. His criticism of the system in the society that he lives in stems from the rejection he gets from his being physically different from his social group. We can thus sum up that the flaws that he sees in the World System are not genuine. The order of the World State will be a defect as far as Marx is concerned up until he is not accepted as part of his social group. When this has changed it is only then that he can truly feel a part of the new society. Works Cited Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: HarperCollins Publisher Inc. ,1998 How to cite Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Cloud Computing Technology Cloud Computing Service Models

Question: Discuss about the Cloud Computing Technology for Cloud Computing Service Models. Answer: Introduction London Bikes Ltd. is a small and medium sized enterprise, also known as an SME, which is located in the heart of London. The company is into selling of high end bicycles that are specifically meant for city riding and also takes custom orders from customer. The company hosts a website internally and has a full-fledged database management system, which the company uses for customer accounts, orders and billing. The IT capabilities of the company are also used to manage the pay role of their workforce. The company has recently gained knowledge about cloud computing and it is planning to implement cloud storage in their business so that they could increase the level of customer services and satisfaction. The first priority of the company is to create a backup of all its confidential information on a cloud server so that it could be saved from any man-made or natural disaster. Therefore, this report is aimed at providing an introduction of cloud computing to the company and discussing it s benefits, along with some success stories and deployment recommendations. Cloud Computing In the past few years, we have seen some of the best innovations that the technology could have ever made possible. From virtual reality to robots and artificial intelligence, technology has shocked us in a great way and has also made out life simpler. One such innovation of technology has been cloud computing that has actually helped millions of small, medium and large business organisations in increasing the efficiency of their business operations. Cloud computing, in simple words, is an internet service that hosts and delivers online storage services [1]. It provides shared computer processing resources and data to information technology devices on demand. The concept of cloud computing has evolved in the past few years as companies have been able to save a lot of their operational costs by eliminating the need to maintain huge and costly data banks and shifting all their information and data on to cloud storage servers. Cloud computing was coined to denote computer infrastructure as a cloud from where business owners and individuals could extract data on demand from anywhere in the world [10]. Characteristics Of Cloud Computing Let us now discuss some characteristic features of cloud computing: Self-service Per-Usage Metering and Billing Multiple Backend Hypervisors Storage virtualization Interface to public clouds Virtual clusters Reservation and negotiation mechanism [10] Benefits Of Cloud Computing Let us now discuss some advantages of cloud computing, which can be enjoyed by the organisation once it implements cloud computing in the company: Cost Savings one of the main benefits of cloud computing is that it helps companies in saving a lot IT costs. Businesses, no matter small, medium or large, work in order to earn money, which can be done only when the operational costs and expenses can be reduced. With cloud computing sever in place, business organisations can save a lot of their expenses by eliminating the costs related to in-house server storage and application requirements [2]. Reliability Cloud computing is managed by service provides and hence, it is much more reliable and consistent that a companys in-house infrastructure. Cloud computing service providers provide uninterrupted services and also prevent business organisations from the loss of important information or data as the data stored on the cloud servers can be easily retrieved at any point of time. Cloud service providers provide 24/7/365 availability and in case of failure, the applications being hosted on the server can be quickly transferred to any available server [2]. Improved collaboration one of the most amazing benefits of cloud computing is that it provides improved collaboration amongst all the operational units of an organisation [3]. By implementing a cloud computing server in the organisation, London Bikes Ltd. will be able to create, view, edit and share information and data amongst all the operational units of the company without any hassle. With improved collaboration, the company will be able to provide better products and services to the customers [4]. Scalability/Flexibility another major benefit of cloud computing is its scalability or flexibility. London Bikes Ltd. would be able to easily scale up or scale down its operations and storage needs according to the demand of the situation. Rather than investing into the acquisition of new infrastructure, software or hardware [4]. Some cloud service providers have made their services highly flexible so that it can be tailored according to the needs of the customers. Service Models And Available Real-World Services Cloud computing is becoming increasingly famous in the modern day world as it is convenient, cost-effective, all time available and provides on demand network access to information and data whenever required. Cloud computing comes with three service models: Software as a Service (SaaS) In this service model, the customers are allowed to use the application of the provider that is running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are made accessible to the customer through a thin client interface or through a program interface [5]. Platform as a Service (PaaS) in this service model, the customers are provided with the capability to deploy a cloud infrastructure, which is acquired by the customer, but is developed using applications, languages, services, etc. that are supported by the provider [5]. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in this service model, the customers are given the opportunity to gain access to processing, storage, networks and other fundamental computing resources. The customer is also allowed to run the arbitrary software that can consist of operating system and applications. The only thing that the consumer is not allowed to control is the cloud infrastructure [5]. Cloud computing is being considered as the next big thing and beyond doubt, sooner or later, it will eliminate the need of using large storage devices and heavy investments to extend storage spaces. As a result, there are a number of companies that have started providing cloud computing services to business organisations and individuals. Some of these service providers are: Amazon web services Amazon is one of the best cloud computing service in the market that provides a combination of IaaS and PaaS cloud services [7]. Amazon Web Services has a huge list of almost 70 services that span across a wide range including compute, storage, networking, application services, etc. Google Cloud Service Google too has been providing cloud services since quite a long time now. Googles Drive cloud storage has been providing storage solutions to millions of customers. Google also offers cloud computing services that are related to IaaS model. Googles platform includes a wide variety of hosted servers that allow computing, storage and application development that are run on the hardware of the company itself [8]. Cloud Computing And Virtualization Virtualization refers to the creation of a virtual version of something, such as a virtual version of a storage device, operating system, etc. Virtualization can be of many types, such as network virtualization, storage virtualization, server virtualization, etc. Virtualization can help in increasing the processing power of the information system by centralizing the administrative tasks and improving scalability of workloads. Network virtualization, storage visualization and server virtualization can be together used to make the concept of cloud computing better and more secure than ever before. [9]. The concept of storage virtualization helps service providers in extending the storage capacities of the cloud by allocating more memory. Further, the concept of software virtualization allows business organisations to use the same software on a large number of information systems by creating a virtual layer. Virtualization in cloud technology aims at managing the workload by making the traditional form of computing more scalable, efficient and economical. When cloud computing is related to virtual technology, it makes it possible for the organisation to run multiple operating systems and multiple applications on the same server at the same time. Thus, the concept of cloud computing still has to reach its pinnacle and would change the entire IT infrastructure once it does [13]. Deployment Recommendations The company, as stated in the case study, is a small and medium sized company that operates in London. Therefore, it is obvious that the company would not be eager enough to invest its important resources in acquiring costly cloud computing services. Cloud computing comes in different service models, such as IaaS, SaaS or PaaS, etc. and each of the models can have different cost structure for the investor. The service models and the cost structure would depend upon the companys requirements for access and its ability to handle the operations of cloud computing itself. The company should, first of all, prepare a list of cloud computing service providers and shortlist the ones which have simpler service models, provide cheaper services and offer very less maintenance on the customers part. Cloud computing service providers, such as amazon web services, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. can be included in the list as they are some of the most cost effective cloud services. Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud are two of the few best cloud computing service providers in the market and the rivalry between the two is a common topic in the market. Where Google has a huge platform and numbers attached to it, Amazon too is a tough competitor with more services to offer. AWS also offers a wider variety of services and has higher quality. Therefore, AWS is a clear winner when it comes to quantity and quality. On the other hand, Google is no less. Google has an advantage of Big Data with it and in a number of cases Google Cloud scores higher than AWS. Therefore, it is clear that both the platforms have some competitive advantages over the other and it would totally rely upon the preference of the company whether it would go with AWS or Google Cloud. Overall, London Bikes Ltd. should clearly weigh the advantages of the two, relate them with their business operations and acquire the one which would best serve their purpose. Migration Strategies Migrating to new software altogether is not an easy task for any company. It requires a lot of confidence and professional guidance to accurately set up the whole system on a new software, hardware or technology. Similarly, it would not be easy for London Bikes Ltd. to migrate to cloud computing altogether and leave all its traditional forms of computing. The company will have to work patiently and at a steady pace, it should slowly shift all its computing or information technology related work to cloud computing. Initially, the company will have to implement cloud computing in the workplace at a very small scale. By acquiring a simpler and a less complicated service application, the company would be able to pilot test the benefits of the cloud computing software and would be able to predict the future prospects of the same. The company should go for either SaaS or IaaS service models as they are less complicated and do not require the customer to take care of a lot of things or maintain them from time to time. Once the company is able to decide and implement a cloud computing platform, it should start to shift its customer information on to it. The company should ensure that it has a safe backup of all its files that are being transferred on to the cloud server as some things might go wrong in the first attempt. Once the company has all its customer information saved on the cloud, it can allow all the operational units of the organisation to use the cloud server and gain access to the informa tion stored on it for serving the customers when they come. If the company finds the cloud server to be useful and secure enough, it can then start to transfer its classified or confidential information on the cloud. Another major concern in cloud computing is related to security. As it is evident that the company will shift to cloud computing and would allow access of data to different users from multiple devices, security issues will definitely occur. If the management or the IT staff is unable to track the cloud server properly, it can be easily breached by outside entities and a lot of harm can be caused to the information or data stored on the cloud server. London Bikes Ltd. should also ensure that there are different levels of authentication in the organisation as all the information cannot be made available to all the people. Therefore, using unique ID passwords, the management can restrict the level of access that the employees will have to the cloud server. Once the company starts using the cloud server properly, it can contact the service provider for extra storage space whenever required, any security modifications, special customizations, etc. Conclusion London Bikes Ltd. has an exceptional business model and its unique idea will definitely bring a lot of business opportunities in the future if the company continues to perform well. To perform well in the market and to gain market competencies, it is must that the company should implement cloud computing as soon as possible as it would make it easier for the management to manage all the work operations and serve the customers in the best possible manner. Therefore, the company should take its time, conduct a detailed analysis on the cloud service providers, chose the one which suits their business purpose and should quickly migrate to cloud computing. References [3]"11 Advantages of Cloud Computing | Skyhigh Networks", Skyhigh Networks, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13- Aug- 2016]. [2]"Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing | LevelCloud", LevelCloud, 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13- Aug- 2016]. [4]"Benefits of cloud computing | Queensland Government",, 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14- Aug- 2016]. [10]R. Buyya, J. Broberg and A. Gos cin ski, Cloud computing. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2011. [5]Q. Devery, "The three types of Cloud Computing Service Models",, 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14- Aug- 2016]. [11]T. Erl, R. Puttini and Z. Mahmood, Cloud computing. . [14]R. Krutz and R. Vines, Cloud security. Indianapolis, Ind.: Wiley Pub., 2010. [13]L. Malhotra, D. Agarwal and A. Jaiswal, Virtualization in Cloud Computing, 1st ed. 2014. [12]S. Smoot and N. Tan, Private cloud computing. Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2012. [6]D. Sullivan, "Cloud Computing Solutions: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS", Tom's IT Pro, 2014. [Online]. Available:,1-1755.html. [Accessed: 14- Aug- 2016]. [7]D. Sullivan, "PaaS Provider Comparison Guide: Amazon AWS as a PaaS - IaaS PaaS in One", Tom's IT Pro, 2013. [Online]. Available:,2-608.html. [Accessed: 14- Aug- 2016]. [1]"What is cloud computing? - Definition from", SearchCloudComputing, 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13- Aug- 2016]. [8]"What is Google Cloud Platform? - Definition from", SearchCloudComputing, 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14- Aug- 2016]. [9]"What is virtualization? - Definition from", SearchServerVirtualization, 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14- Aug- 2016].

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Victor Frankenstein Essay Example

Victor Frankenstein Paper I have been given the assignment of comparing three stories of anticipation in three dissimilar styles of script. Throughout this essay, I will converse on the subject of the way each story is written, how and why particular special effects are accomplished and what rudiments and elements contribute to the atmosphere and anticipation of the story. Finally, I will conclude as to which story I have found the most successful and explain why I liked it in detail. A principal feature to examine when studying a story, in my opinion, is the title. Titles of some stories give away the plots or endings, whereas others are totally abstract and thought provoking, providing absolutely no clue as to what the story will be about. Either Frankenstein or The Raven has the best titles out of the three stories that I have read. They give away that the story is about someone named Frankenstein or a raven, but nothing else that would ruin the plot or ending. This is beneficial to the reader, who would be able to get more involved in the story as more of the plot unfolds, particularly in a novel. The title Man Overboard, tells us that the story is about a man falling overboard. Primarily I considered it could be a metaphor, but after reading the story, I found that it wasnt. A story with a title that gives away the plot has some advantages and disadvantages. Giving away some of the plot could make the reader interested and make him or her want to know how that certain event happened, for example, how the man fell overboard. A lot of the time that is not always what happens. In some cases, the plot is given away too much by the title, which makes the story less exhilarating and impulsive for the reader. We will write a custom essay sample on Victor Frankenstein specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Victor Frankenstein specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Victor Frankenstein specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The three stories I read were in the form of a novel, a short story and a poem. This had a striking outcome on the way I thought about the stories and how I could scrutinize them. The novel contained many characters and minor plots scattered around a central story line. This made it exceptionally complex and hard to understand at times, which in fact kept me interested for the reason that I was determined to understand the story. Eventually, all of the smaller plots merged into one main plot. The novel contained various distinct ideas and philosophies about crucial and valuable subjects such as life, death and religion. The short story contained one plot and one main character and was a great deal easier to grasp. The plot was portrayed in a fair amount of detail and didnt contain any ideas or philosophies like the novel. The poem, in contrast, was written in structured verses and contained an even-handed amount of rhyme in each verse. It contained nineteenth century ideas about superstition and death, which made it more similar to the novel, but only had one plot neighbouring one main character. In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley creates many differences amid Victor Frankenstein and his creation, but simultaneously creates parallels between the two. Victors siblings and parents are perfect in his eyes and never deny him anything; whereas the creature is rejected by everyone who sees him from the moment he begins breathing. In spite of these differences, both characters develop problems as adults based on these childhood experiences, which ultimately cause others deaths as well as their own. Although Victors seemingly idyllic upbringing sharply contrasts with the creatures neglected childhood, both of these scenarios lead to their mutual destruction. While Victor experienced an apparently perfect, but in truth, overindulgent childhood, the creature is faced with constant rejection from the moment he is given life despite his inborn warmth and compassion. From the beginning of each of their existences, the two beings grew up under totally dissimilar pressures and influences. Victors parents respond to his birth as a gift from Heaven, whereas from the moment the creature draws breath, Victor, his father, abhors him. Indicating that as a child he never experienced unhappiness to any degree, Victor explains that his earliest memories are his mothers tender caresses and his fathers smile of benevolent pleasure while regarding him. When the creature is born, conversely, the first thing that happens to him is that his creator irrationally abandons the new being in his state of innocence because he is unable to endure the aspect of the being he had created. Shelley even uses parallel scenes where both Victor and the creature reach out for a parents love and reassurance and meet opposite responses to demonstrate their differing childhood experiences. Victor later becomes a egotistic adult who does not understand consequences and the creatures natural kindness develops into vengeful misery. Because Victor was never denied anything as a child, he grows up to be a self-centred being. While during his childhood he supposedly receives lessons of patience, of charity, and of self-control, he was so guided by a silken cord that all seemed but one train of enjoyment to him and, as a result, he never makes any mistakes and does not learn that there are in fact consequences to his actions. The creation of the monster itself is a selfish act that results from his pampered childhood because he never considers that there might be ramifications of some sort for the rest of humanity or even for himself. Because he develops this feeling of his own invincibility, when he decides to unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation, Victor is really only thinking of his own personal glory as a scientist and fails to recognise the possible problems that controlling nature to this extent can present. Victors and the creatures individual faults arising from their upbringings ultimately lead to their mutual destruction. Victors selfishness and the creatures vengefulness as adults lead to the deaths of those close to Victor. Because Victor denies the creature everything from love and compassion to acceptance, the creatures anger deepens and he is driven to kill Victors brother William as punishment. Williams death consequently causes the death of innocent Justine who is believed to be guilty of his murder. These deaths occur because Victor grew up without the understanding of consequences and he, as a result, selfishly denied the creature of the necessities that would have prevented him from committing such abhorrent crimes. By killing Victors closest friend Clerval and then Elizabeth, his lifelong companion, the creature continues to act on his vengeful feelings because Victor continues to deny him necessities and destroys the monsters own future companion before his eyes. The creature resorts to this life of despondency and violence because of his childhood of neglect and the resulting adult rejection he later experiences.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Alice Freeman Palmer and Higher Education for Women

Alice Freeman Palmer and Higher Education for Women Known for: president of Wellesley College, noted essay on why women should attend college. Dates: February 21, 1855 - December 6, 1902 Also known as: Alice Elvira Freeman, Alice Freeman Alice Freeman Parker was known not only for her innovative and dedicated work for higher education in her capacity as president of Wellesley College, but for her advocacy of a position somewhere between women being educated to be the equals of men, and women being educated primarily for traditional womens roles.   She firmly believed that women need to be of service to humanity, and that education furthered their ability to do so.   She also recognized that women would be unlikely to do so in traditional male occupations, but could work not only in the home to educate another generation, but in social service work, teaching, and other occupations that played a role in creating a new future. Her speech on Why Go to College? was addressed to young girls and their parents, giving them reasons for girls to be educated.   She also wrote poetry. Excerpt from Why Go to College?: Our American girls themselves are becoming aware that they need the stimulus, the discipline, the knowledge, the interests of the college in addition to the school, if they are to prepare themselves for the most serviceable lives.But there are still parents who say, â€Å"There is no need that my daughter should teach; then why should she go to college?† I will not reply that college training is a life insurance for a girl, a pledge that she possesses the disciplined ability to earn a living for herself and others in case of need, for I prefer to insist on the importance of giving every girl, no matter what her present circumstances, a special training in some one thing by which she can render society service, not amateur but of an expert sort, and service too for which it will be willing to pay a price.   Background Born Alice Elvira Freeman, she grew up in small town New York.   Her fathers family came from early New York settlers, and her mothers father had served with General Washington. James Warren Freeman,   her father, took on medical school, learning to be a physician when Alice was seven, and Elizabeth Higley Freeman, Alices mother, supported the family while he studied. Alice started school at four, having learned to read at three. She was a star student, and was admitted to Windsor Academy, a school for boys and girls. She became engaged to a teacher at the school when she was only fourteen. When he left to study at Yale Divinity School, she decided that she, too, wanted an education, and so she broke the engagement so that she could enter college. She was admitted to the University of Michigan on trial, though she had failed the entrance exams. She combined work and school for seven years to gain her B.A. She took a position teaching in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, after she completed her degree. She had only been out of school a year when Wellesley first invited her to become a math instructor, and she declined. She moved to Saginaw, Michigan, and became a teacher and then the principal of a high school there. Wellesley invited her again, this time to teach Greek. But with her father losing his fortune, and her sister ill, she chose to remain in Saginaw and help support her family. In 1879, Wellesley invited her a third time. This time, they offered her a position at the head of the history department. She began her work there in 1879. She became vice president of the college and acting president in 1881, and in 1882 became president. In her six years as president at Wellesley, she significantly strengthened its academic position. She also helped found the organization that later became the American Association of University Women, and served several terms as president. She was in that office when the AAUW issued a report in 1885 debunking misinformation about the ill effects of education on women. In late 1887, Alice Freeman married George Herbert Palmer, a philosophy professor at Harvard. She resigned as president of Wellesley, but joined the board of trustees, where she continued to support the college until her death. She was suffering from tuberculosis, and her resignation as president allowed her to spend some time recovering. She then took up a career in public speaking, often addressing the importance of higher education for women. She became a member of the Massachusetts State Board of Education and worked for legislation that promoted education. In 18912, she served as a manager for the Massachusetts exhibit at the Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago. From 1892 to 1895, she took a position with the University of Chicago as dean of women, as the university expanded the female student body. President William Rainey Harper, who wanted her in this position because of her reputation which he believed would draw women students, permitted her to take the position and be in residence for only twelve weeks each year. She was permitted to appoint her own subdean to take care of immediate matters. When women had established themselves more firmly among the students at the University, Palmer resigned so that someone who could serve more actively could be appointed. Back in Massachusetts, she worked to bring Radcliffe College into formal association with Harvard University. She served in many voluntary roles in higher education. In 1902, while in Paris with her husband on a vacation, she had an operation for an intestinal condition, and died afterwards of heart failure, only 47 years old.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Impact of western culture on Big Box Business Essay

Impact of western culture on Big Box Business - Essay Example The research also analyzes these various situations and proposes recommendations regarding what is and what is not effective, in international expansion, relative to a respect for multicultural values and a sense of being open to new cultures. As shown in the case, a company like Wal-Mart which is expanding overseas must beware of perpetrating a situation which has the capability to be more divisive than unitary, and managers and leaders need to highlight issues of how important it is to examine intercultural communication and its effects on international negotiations. These are significant problems. Differences in language and culture can significantly impact movement towards global expansion of a company, be it Wal-Mart or some other entity. â€Å"Culture-centered approaches use qualitative anthropological approaches to describe a single culture in terms of its ethnology, religion, customs, etc. This approach is suitable when studying a single culture† (Hoffman, 2007). Cultural differences also highlight the need for global research into international markets, as a company like Wal-Mart that enters a foreign market unprepared and unversed in its language, regulations, union procedures, common reimbursement plans, and culture faces many potential difficulties and obstacles. For example, as Hoffman (2007) points out, Chevrolet introduced the Chevy Nova in Latin America without considering that â€Å"no va† means â€Å"does not go† in Spanish, and suffered some amount of embarrassment. Therefore, it is very important for a organization like Wal-Mart to consider differences in language and culture in its global research. The example of the miscommunications in the Wal-Mart case is a good illustration of how U.S. businesses have traditionally run into problems by relying too much on a centralized domestic command structure that does not give sufficient local autonomy for marketing and other operations. This is the same problem that the case mentions