Friday, February 28, 2020

Difficulties of Implementing Motivation to Modern Work Place Essay

Difficulties of Implementing Motivation to Modern Work Place - Essay Example The manager should realise that mental revolution is necessary which may push the organisation members to go to work willingly and enthusiastically. Highly motivated people will require lesser control to ensure the organization that work will be executed on time. However, it should not be misunderstood that motivation is a substitute of planning organising and controlling. There have been a lot of difficulties in implementing motivation to the modern work place. This is because a man's behaviour is related with the form of behaviour, a man presents to the work. This is related to the motivating factors that are inherent in the man and affect his behaviour on the work. Analysing the human behaviour can search out this motivation factor. There are reasons as to why a man behaves in a particular manner. If a man does not behave properly, we must understand that there is something wrong with him and the organisation should take proper care in analysing and if possible in eliminating that reason. For that purpose, the management must have a full knowledge of human behaviour. Need* is one of the motivating factor. If a person behaves properly, it means his needs are satisfied and if his needs remain unsatisfied, his behaviour cannot remain satisfactory and he will behave in a negative way. A person joins an organisation and brings with him certain needs that affect his job performance. Some of these needs, a man cannot survive without * Include both what a person must have and what he merely wants to have. them such as food, clothes and shelter. However, some other needs have psychological and social values. We have primary and secondary needs and primary needs are satisfied first and other needs come later. He tried to give needs a priority order as physiological, security, social, esteem and self-actualisation. The management and employees try to satisfy these needs in that priority order. Abraham Maslow suggested the following hierarchy of needs which an individual attempts to satisfy them in this order: Basic physiological needs; safety and security needs; belongingness, social love needs; esteem and status needs; and self actualisation or self realisation or self fulfilment needs. Maslow's central theme revolves around the meaning and significance of human work and seems to epitomize Voltaire's observation in Candied, 'work banishes the three great evils -boredom, vice and poverty'. The great sage Yajnavalkya explains in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad that by good works a man becomes holy, by evil works evil. A mans personality is the sum total of his works and that only his works survive a man at death. This is perhaps the essence of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, as it is more commonly know. Maslow's major works include the standard textbook. Maslow's theory of human motivation is, in fact, the basis of McGregor's theory 'Y' briefly described above. The basic h uman needs, according to Maslow, are: physiological needs; safety needs; love needs; esteem needs; and self-actualisation needs. Mans behaviour is seen as dominated by his unsatisfied needs and he is a 'perpetually wanting animal', for when one need is satisfied he aspires for the next higher one. This is, therefore, seen as an ongoing activity, in which the man is totally absorbed in order to attain perfection through self-development. The highest state of self-actualisation

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Italian Renaissance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Italian Renaissance - Essay Example The refined and educated thinkers of the Renaissance spoke and read Greek and Latin which helped the transformation of several fields of learning including those which were the dominions of the church and the impact was visible even in the aspects of Christian learning such as theology and spirituality. The Renaissance which nourished itself on antiquity, the rediscovery of Greek and Roman ways, resulted in new ways of thinking in theology and spirituality, and restructured the essence of Christian learning. "The Renaissance was a revival of learning and art. The Europeans were always aware of antiquity since they lived with it, but they now saw everything in a different light. They ceased to see the world through ecclesiastical glasses... Great interest in Greek and Roman art, language, and philosophy developed... Thus, the Renaissance had its intellectual impact. It would, in effect, replace the church's dominance in the area of thought... To this extent, the Renaissance was anti-c lerical but not anti- religious." (Bausch, Cannon, and Obach 1989, P. 225). Significantly, Renaissance was most influential in theology and spirituality of Christianity which were no longer exclusively served by art and science which began to be studied for their own sakes. Theology and spirituality are the two essential domains of Christian learning which were most influenced by the Renaissance thought and thinkers. It is of great importance to analyse the influence of Italian Renaissance on the theology and spirituality as it can help one comprehend the role played by the Renaissance in bringing out drastic change in these areas of Christian thinking. Therefore, this paper undertakes a profound analysis of the Italian Renaissance in relation to the role it played in the transformation of two of the most important spheres of Christianity, i.e. theology and spirituality. In other words, it looks into the Italian Renaissance from a historical point of view and a theological point of view, comparing the theology and spirituality of the period before Renaissance with that of the period after Renaissance. In such a comparative analysis of the theology and spirituality in relation to Renaissance, it becomes lucid that this great event of revival in learning and art was central to ultimate transformation in these areas, which was corresponding to the spirit of humanism. Notwithstanding the attempts to limit the great role of Renaissance in making vital revival in theology and spirituality, it becomes obvious that the Renaissance played a seminal role in transforming these spheres of Christian knowledge. The Influence of Italian Renaissance on the Theology and Spirituality From the historical point of view, the Renaissance is one of the essential factors which caused the revival of Christian ideology and it resulted in the Reformation. There were several central elements in the early phase of the Renaissance which could very well pave the way for a complete change or reformation in the Christian thought and ideology. In an analysis of the situation before and after the Renaissance,